
Community Primary School

After School Club

Our After School Club runs from 3.30pm to 5.30pm Monday to Thursday.

Come and join the fun!

Bozeat Community Primary School

Are you in the process of looking for the right primary school for your child? We are a small school offering big opportunities. Contact us today to come and see what we can offer!

01933 663840

01933 663840

Jaguars – Week 7 25/10/24

Jaguars – Week 7 25/10/24

A fantastic last week in Jaguars and wishing you all a happy and healthy half term!! Woo!   To begin our week this week we have had celebration assembly and an assembly from the Salvation Army all about the types of sports we are involved in and outside of...
Jaguars – Week 7 25/10/24

Jaguars – Week 5 11/10/24

Another great week in Jaguars this week! This week started with an Assembly from Miss Pettit about Black History Month. During the assembly she discussed the importance of men and women who had achieved great things. Maths This week the children have focused on adding...
Jaguars – Week 7 25/10/24

Jaguars – Week 4 4/10/24

Welcome to the new class blog!!  Jaguars have had another great week of learning. Monday’s assembly was all about RNLI Float to live/ Water Safety delivered by Miss Dudley-Smith – the children understood the importance of keeping safe when near water and...
Jaguars – Week 7 25/10/24

Jaguars – Week 3 27/09/24

Welcome to the new class blog!!  Jaguars have had another great week of learning. On Thursday we had our first Celebration Assembly of the new academic year. It was fantastic to see so many of the children coming out to the front to celebrate different events and...