"I love coming to this school because students and staff are so friendly"
"I like coming to this school because I'm challenged in my learning"
Upcoming School events
Year 5 Bikeability Level 1 & 2
Year 5 Bikeability Level 1 & 2
Owls class Blog
Welcome to Reception Owls
PE day is Monday
Autumn Term Book & Biscuit Dates
18th September, 2nd October, 16th October, 6th November, 20th November, 4th December and 18th December.
Owls Week Beginning 23.9.24
Week Beginning 23rd September We have had another busy and productive week and despite the...
Owls 9th Sept
Week beginning 9th September What a busy week we have had. Following our theme of Marvelous Me,...
Little Owls and Owls 2nd Sept
Week beginning 2nd September Welcome back! It has been lovely to see everyone back in school this...