"I love coming to this school because students and staff are so friendly"
"I like coming to this school because I'm challenged in my learning"
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Lions Class Trip to IWM Duxford
Lions Class Trip to IWM Duxford
Personal, Social, Health Education
PSHE Intent:
The PSHE Curriculum at Bozeat is designed (through the use of SCARF https://www.coramlifeeducation.org.uk/scarf/ ) to develop children’s knowledge, understanding and application of skills, which will be held in their long-term memories and will be used throughout their lives. A wide breadth of different skills and topics are covered in an engaging way to explore key topics and units. The skills and areas covered will help the children to: consider their words and actions and the affect they can have on others; understand that we live in a diverse society, which we need to appreciate and understand; live a healthy life and gain essential personal life skills. These skills are developed further through cross curriculum subjects such as Science and RE.
We consider the background of our pupils to give them appropriate and ambitious curriculum opportunities, such as inviting visitors to conduct assemblies and workshops to inform and educate our children. Throughout the school, we use and explore current topical issues, which give children a deeper awareness and understanding of the world they live in.
Cognitive science tells us that working memory is limited and cognitive load is too high if we rush children through content; therefore, we believe and ensure that our children are able to master the basics first.
All of our classroom based learning is further enhanced by our “Happy Week”, “Anti-bullying Week”, “Road Safety Week” to name just a few of our events. In addition to this we also organise memorable trips and visits which help to bring our PSHE curriculum to life!
PSHE Implementation:
We use the SCARF scheme of work, which supports the breadth of study for each year group with a focus on specific knowledge categories, it also helps us to ensure that we are meeting the Statutory Requirements for RSE (Relationships and Sex Education).
Learning is most effective with spaced repetition; each year progresses on the previous, enabling children to gain different skills. Retrieval of previously learnt content is a frequent and regular feature of all PSHE lessons, this is effectively demonstrated in such activities as Circle Time.
The learning is brought to life by the use of books, short stories, scenarios, drama, videos, creative activities, worksheets and discussions.
All teaching staff will teach from the scheme of work (SCARF) and follow the lesson plans and resources provided. PSHE sessions will run for 45 minutes to an hour a week. Lessons taught are then evidenced in floor books and folders kept by teaching staff and evaluated against SCARF learning outcomes and DfE codes linking to the RSE government policy.
PSHE Impact:
Learning is a change in long term memory, therefore it is impossible to see impact in the short term. However, it is essential that PSHE is consistently taught, as it is helps to compliment the school’s behaviour, anti-bullying and safeguarding policies; and therefore needs to be fluid to address any immediate needs. Through repetition of the key concepts, children connect topics together and revisit knowledge categories in many ways. Children connect knowledge and build an understanding of the PSHE and RSE.
PSHE table V2