
Community Primary School

Open Days for prospective parents

Our Open Days for prospective parents with children starting school in September 2025 will take place on Thursday 10th October, Tuesday 12th November, Saturday 16th November and Tuesday 3rd December. All events start at 10am. We look forward to meeting you. To book you place please contact: [email protected]

After School Club

Our After School Club runs from 3.30pm to 5.30pm on a Monday to Thursday.  

Come and join the fun.

Bozeat Community Primary School

Are you in the process of looking for the right primary school for your child? We are a small school offering big opportunities. Book a place on one of our tours and come and see what we can offer.

01933 663840

01933 663840

"I love coming to this school because students and staff are so friendly"

"I like coming to this school because I'm challenged in my learning"

Upcoming School events

Explore our Early Years

Early Years at Bozeat

Is your child ready to start their exciting learning journey?
Bozeat School Pre-School ensures a smooth transition for your child to be ready for that first step into big school.

Set in a stunning, rural landscape, our school Pre-School (which is led by an outstanding EYFS practitioner) provides every child with an excellent start to their education. Our exceptional facilities and extensive outdoor grounds ensure that every single child can thrive in a challenging and welcoming environment. Working alongside our Reception Class, we want to make your child’s first experience of a school-based setting both exciting and memorable, whilst being part of a larger school community.

Our Pre-School offers a safe, fun, stimulating and nurturing environment where children are encouraged to explore, discover their interests and develop themselves through planned learning opportunities. High-quality interactions and teaching engages and inspires every child.

The Pre-School is led by our Early Years Teacher, with joint planning across both the Reception and Pre-School Classes. Both classes follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which supports children from birth to 5 years old. The Early Years curriculum provides opportunities for children to develop through a range of adult led, adult structured and child initiated activities. These activities are based within seven areas of Learning and Development.
Area of Learning and Development Aspect
Prime Areas
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Self Regulation
Sense of self
Building Relationships
Physical Development Gross Motor Skills
Fine Motor Skills
Communication and Language Listening and attention
Specific Areas
Literacy Comprehension
Word Reading
Mathematics Number
Numerical Patterns
Understanding the World Past and Present
People, Culture & Communities
The Natural World
Expressive Arts and Design Creating with materials
Being imaginative and expressive
Children develop quickly in the Early Years and we believe a child’s experiences, early on, will have a major impact and shape their future life chances. extensive outdoor grounds


Our Pre-School is open five days a week and accepts up to 16 children per session (from the term after they turn 3). To benefit from being part of a teacher-led school setting, for those eligible for the universal 15 hours entitlement, we recommend that your child attends for a minimum of 4 sessions per week. This ensures maximum learning opportunities and progress both academically and socially. Furthermore, all children are entitled to 15 hours free childcare and working families may be eligible for 30 hours. Please check your eligibility for 30 hours at There is also the option to ‘top up’ and pay for additional hours should you wish to do so.

Please note that parents requiring lunchtime cover we are able to provide a hot school meal at a cost of £2.45 per day.

Admissions to the Pre-School are managed on a termly basis by the school (including waiting lists). We please ask that applications are made by the following dates to secure a place, although we do accept late applications:

For admission in: Applications needed by:
January 2025 (Spring term) 25th October 2024
April 2025 (Summer Term) 14th February 2025
September 2025 (Autumn term) 23rd May 2025

Once your child is in Pre-School, parents have the option to increase the number of sessions that they attend on a termly basis. Parents are required to give 4 weeks notice if they wish to cancel a child’s place.

Please be advised that once your child is in our Pre-School, this does not guarantee that your child will be allocated a place in the Reception class, when they are due to start school. Parents will still need to go through the formal school admission process. However, the majority of our Pre-School children do apply for a place at Bozeat Primary and are usually successful!

Our Learning Environment

Our Pre-School and Reception years operate as one, joint early years class and will primarily be based in the main school building. The Pre-School children will also have some learning time in the mobile classroom which is located next to the Early Years play area. The outdoor learning environment includes a large canopy area which enables children to play outside in all weathers; a climbing frame; mud kitchen; play sheds and a great range of interactive play equipment. But don’t take our word for it, come and see it for yourselves!

Our children have regular opportunities to visit and work with the rest of the school. Wherever possible, we participate in assemblies and other whole school activities which ensure a smooth transition to full-time education in our Reception class.


The Pre-School is open between 8.50am and 3.30pm (week days and term time only).

Sessions are bookable on a session by session basis, fees are as below:

Mornings – 9.00am to 11.30am – £11.25

Afternoons 13.00pm to 15.30pm – £11.25

Lunch time cover is provided between 11.30am and 13.00pm for those pupils who need it, at a cost of £6.50 per child.

Please do contact the school office via telephone on 01933 663840 or by email to discuss any further questions that you might have and to arrange a visit. We are very much looking forward to meeting you and showing you our fabulous school.

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