Welcome to the new class blog!!
Jaguars have had another great week of learning.
On Thursday we had our first Celebration Assembly of the new academic year. It was fantastic to see so many of the children coming out to the front to celebrate different events and rewards.
This week we have been learning about numberlines to 1000 and how we estimate numbers on these and comparing and ordering numbers to 1000. The children have enjoyed learning more about numberlines in particular and noticing that the start and end points can differ. If you would like to support your child more with numberline representations please do follow the below link.
This week we have been creating a characterisation toolkit and main features toolkit for character descriptions. We have also used our own ideas to create a class box up and the children’s own box up which will support them during our final end of unit write. I am very much looking forward to seeing how the children build upon their ideas to create a fantastic character change story with elements of characterisation for their characters in the story.
This week we have looked at the progression of skills used to create a collage. The children have understood the techniques of cutting, sticking, layering, colour, shape and space in order to make a piece of Art inspired by our Artist Hannah Hoch. If you would like to find out more about Hannah Hoch and conduct some of your own research please follow the below link. If you would like to create your own Collage at home please follow the picture for instructions.

Homework and Spellings
Group 0
light, need, teeth
Group 1
climb, scare, chair
Group 2A
worse, friend, Saturday, other, mother
Group 3
forwards, question, favourite, extreme, behind