"I love coming to this school because students and staff are so friendly"
"I like coming to this school because I'm challenged in my learning"
Upcoming School events
Year 5 Bikeability Level 1 & 2
Year 5 Bikeability Level 1 & 2
School Gateway
Making payments using School Gateway
Bozeat Community Primary School operates a cashless system of payment wherever possible.
School Gateway is the preferred method of payment for, trips, activities and other items for children at Bozeat Community Primary School. All parents must have an e-mail address and mobile phone number registered with the school to use this system.
School Gateway can be used to:
- View and update contact information
- View attendance and explain any unauthorised absences
- Send messages to the school
- Receive messages directly from the school
- Make payments for school trips, items and other activities
- Provide consent for school trips
- Book extended services (Breakfast Club and After School Club)
To activate your School Gateway account, go to www.schoolgateway.com and register as a ‘New User’ with the e-mail address and mobile phone registered with the school. A smart phone app (Android & Apple iOS) is also available that can be downloaded and installed.