A fantastic last week in Jaguars and wishing you all a happy and healthy half term!! Woo!
To begin our week this week we have had celebration assembly and an assembly from the Salvation Army all about the types of sports we are involved in and outside of school. It was lovely to see so many children participate in clubs!
This week the children have had a focus on Subtracting ones from a 3 digit number. The children have used the whole part method similar to that of addition in order to carry out their calculations. The children have also completed their first maths reasoning paper of year 3 and have worked really hard on some challenging questions. If you would like to support your child further with addition and subtraction of tens and ones from a 3 digit number then please click on the below button.
This week the children have completed a comprehension map based on the features needed for an instructions text, boxed up our model text of how to make breakfast for one and have identified and located features in our model also. To add to this the children have secured their knowledge of different nouns, common, proper, collective and partitive all of which have been in their homework weekly. To share further understanding of this at home please click on the below buttons.
This week the children have completed their final Collage pieces. These pieces have been centred around the United Kingdom and the 4 countries within it. The focus skills for this unit have been layering, sticking and arranging which the children have enjoyed exploring. In true Hannah Hoch style the children have also included funny facial features in their work which has bought the pictures to life.
World Mental Health Day display!
Over the past week or so we have, as a school, taken part in Mental Health Day. During this time we completed activities in class related to the word ‘Yellow’. Each letter standing for an important part of our mental health. As well as this, we have finally finished our acts of kindness activity – children and members of staff being involved in this process. Mrs Parker has kindly put together a wonderful display showcasing our work during the week in which we celebrated. You can see an image of this below.

Homework and Spellings
Spellings will be issued on the first Monday back after half term (Monday 4th November).
Over half term I would like the children to begin their Autumn term Homework grid which will be sent home with them today (Friday 25th October) an image of which is below for reference.
The grid is based on Vikings and The United Kingdom which are our 2 main topics of the term. The children will need to choose a minimum of 3 activities from the grid below to complete.
They will need to return their completed work to school by the Friday 13th December to allow time for us as a class to show and tell our homework pieces.
Happy Half Term!!