
Community Primary School

After School Club

Our After School Club runs from 3.30pm to 5.30pm Monday to Thursday.

Come and join the fun!

Bozeat Community Primary School

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01933 663840

01933 663840

"I love coming to this school because students and staff are so friendly"

"I like coming to this school because I'm challenged in my learning"

Upcoming School events

Rabbits Blogs

Meet the Teacher 2024

Key Information

Rabbits Class

  • PE days are Thursday (with Miss Dudley-Smith) and Friday (with GLK) – please ensure your child brings their PE kit in at the beginning of each week.
  • Homework and Spellings are to be completed every week. Homework should be handed back in to the class teacher by Friday. Your child will be issued new Homework and Spellings each Friday. Spelling tests will be carried out on Friday afternoons.
  • Ensure you use TTRockstars on a daily basis, 5-10 minutes a day is the best way to increase fluency and accuracy.
  • Tuck shop is available from the hall and run Tuesday-Friday at break times only. Please make sure you provide your child with the correct change if they would like to purchase something from the tuck shop trolley.
  • Reading logs – These are checked weekly by each phonics teacher. Some children will have their phonics book changed every three days and others are changed every 5 days. Year 2 children will bring home a phonics scheme book and a related banded book. Comments or updates will also be provided by the class teacher when necessary. Please speak to teachers in person if you need anything, messages through the reading records are not always passed on.