"I love coming to this school because students and staff are so friendly"
"I like coming to this school because I'm challenged in my learning"
Upcoming School events
Parents Evening (Years R to 6)
Parents Evening (Years R to 6)
Children finish school for Easter Holidays
Children finish school for Easter Holidays
Our Vision
Vision Statement
At Bozeat, we believe in providing children with the desire, tools and initiative to develop a life-long love of learning and achievement.
We recognise the unique potential that each child has and the role that we can play in their success as they journey through our school.
We aim to develop our children into high achieving, resilient and caring individuals who are capable of aiming high to achieve whatever they set out to! We want our children to recognise their inner strength and ability to rise to life’s challenges.
The windmill on our badge reminds us that harnessing positive energy can lead to us achieving great things. Just like the continuous turning sails of a windmill, we keep learning throughout our time at Bozeat Community Primary School and we keep going – even when life sends challenges: When the winds of change blow, some build walls…others build windmills.
Bozeat Community Primary School – empowering children to be the best they can be.
Believe, Achieve, Succeed