"I love coming to this school because students and staff are so friendly"
"I like coming to this school because I'm challenged in my learning"
Upcoming School events
Parents Evening (Years R to 6)
Parents Evening (Years R to 6)
Children finish school for Easter Holidays
Children finish school for Easter Holidays
Curriculum Overview
Curriculum Intention:
At Bozeat Primary, our intention is to ensure that our children ‘Believe, Achieve, Succeed’ – learning is at the heart of everything that we do. We believe that our role is to help children to develop their skills as reflective and creative learners who are eager to face new challenges. We want our pupils to learn in a way which develops independence of mind; creates a desire to acquire knowledge and skills which will enable them to carry on learning for life in a rapidly changing world. We have designed our curriculum to facilitate our ambition for every child to successfully reach both their academic and personal goals.
Our whole curriculum is secured around our core principles of ‘Believe, Achieve, Succeed’ and links to our vision statement:
At Bozeat, we believe in providing children with the desire, tools and initiative to develop a life-long love of learning and achievement. We recognise the unique potential that each child has and the role that we can play in their success as they journey through our school.
We aim to develop our children into high achieving, resilient and caring individuals who are capable of aiming high to achieve whatever they set out to! We want our children to recognise their inner strength and ability to rise to life’s challenges.
The windmill on our badge reminds us that harnessing positive energy can lead to us achieving great things. Just like the continuous turning sails of a windmill, we keep learning throughout our time at Bozeat Community Primary School and we keep going – even when life sends challenges: When the winds of change blow, some build walls…others build windmills.
Bozeat Community Primary School – empowering children to be the best they can be.
Believe, Achieve, Succeed.
Curriculum Implementation:
At Bozeat Community Primary School we recognise the many strengths our children bring to the school as they begin their learning journey with us and also acknowledge and seek to reduce the hurdles and stumbling blocks that that our children may need to overcome. We seek to actively engage and utilise parental support and also to strive to help build capacity where needed. We celebrate the starting point that children begin our school at while seeking to support and drive We recognise the strength, importance and support that the close knit community of Bozeat offers while actively seeking to broaden horizons, experiences and cultural awareness where needed.
The guiding principle of our is intent to develop, guide and shape our young people as they journey through Bozeat Primary School to be the best version of themselves that they can be. Our curriculum aims to provide our children with the broad range of experiences, educational knowledge and personal understanding necessary to create the strongest of foundations for the future. We aim that our children are resilient and mentally secure enough to overcome the barriers to success that may present themselves on life’s journey. Our children should leave Bozeat Primary school having developed the inner strength, self-belief and self-worth to aim high and reflect the aspirations of the local community. We understand that you are your child’s first teacher, therefore we work in partnership with all of our parents to create a school community which guides and supports every child.
The understanding of ‘Believe, Achieve, Succeed provides the underpinning, and scaffolding and skeleton that our curriculum can be structured around. The successful implementation of this intent involves a clear understanding of the key attributes that a child who, Believes, Achieves, and Succeeds, demonstrates and then how our teaching staff and school ethos respond to this in order to meet the need and development of our children.
Click on the links below to view the Long Term Plan for each year group:
The links below will provide an overview of the core subject objectives being covered throughout the academic year in each class. End of year expectations are the essentials of the National Curriculum that all children should know by the end of each school year:
Curriculum Impact:
We believe that the impact of our curriculum is demonstrated by our confident and proud pupils who step away from the Bozeat family, ready to face the wider world and the challenges that they will no doubt face. Our school values have been instilled within them over time due to the fact that learning is a change in long-term memory and it is impossible to see the impact in the short term.
To ensure that we have the highest levels of achievement, our expectation is that we continuously strive to exceed National expectations.
Year 6
Year 5
Year 4
Year 3
Year 2
Year 1
Pre School