Children in Lions class continued with studies of Monet this week and have started taking photographs of areas around the school which they would like to paint. In ICT the continued with learning about 3d Modelling using Tinkercad software and in History have found out about the city of Bagdad. In Writing the children produced some excellent Hot Writes which I am really looking forward to reading, they have worked so hard on preparing for these! For the final part of their studies about ‘Rivers’ children have started to create presentations about our local river – the River Nene.
PE – Lessons are planned for Thursday mornings and Friday afternoons this term but children will need their PE kit in school every day.
Reading – You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.
Times Tables – You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform.
You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.