A great week in Panthers this week!
In Maths, children have been working on finding patterns to help them remember their times tables. We have covered the 3,6,9,7,11 and 12 times tables. We have also looked at multiplying by 1 and 0.
In Science, we reviewed how we hear sound and looked at the individual parts of the ear that are involved. We learnt some fun facts about the ear like- the stirrup is the smallest bone in the whole body, and when we get dizzy it is due to the fluid in our semi-circular canal which is moving around!
In DT children have designed their Stone Age tool which they will be creating next week on Tuesday. Any spare cardboard please could children bring it in.
Spellings for this week:
(Tested on 06/12/24)
Group 1: experiment, probably, occasion, promise, opposite, position, possession, thought, through, increase
Group 2: promise, thought, position, increase, through
Group 3: move, prove, sure, who, old
Children should be reading 5 times a week. Reading records will be checked on Wednesdays.
Times tables:
Children should be practicing their times tables weekly on TT rockstars in preparation for their times table test on Friday afternoons.