Week Beginning 20th January
What a great start to the term we have had, the past couple of weeks have been very busy.
This term the children are following the theme Time to Move and we started this by learning about the local area around the school. We talked about road safety and went for a walk around the village spotting different things such as the church, the bus stop, the shop and a postbox. The children talked about how they travel to school and we did a little survey to find out the most popular way of getting to school.
The children looked at photographs of their houses, spotting the different features and the numbers. They painted a picture of their houses. They also realised that not everyone lives in Bozeat.
The children have been looking at different types of transport and identifying whether they go on the road, on water, in the air or on rails. We did a fun experiment using balloons to propel some toy trains forward, seeing which train will travel the furthest. They realised that the lighter, plastic train went further than the wooden trains.