
Community Primary School

After School Club

Our After School Club runs from 3.30pm to 5.30pm Monday to Thursday.

Come and join the fun!

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Lions 31st January 2025

31 January 2025

Lions class learned about the 5 pillars of Islam in RE this week and in Science, they learned about the life cycle of a bird and started to analyse data from the Big Garden Bird Watch. They were able to make comparisons between two sets of data considering similarities and differences. In Geography, Lions class began to learn more about the physical features of India with a specific focus on the himalayas. In Writing this week, children wrote portal stories (Y5) and alternative fairy tales (Y6).

PE – Lessons are planned for Monday afternoons  and Friday afternoons this term but children will need their PE kit in school every day. Y6 children will need to bring their swimming kit on Monday afternoon.


Reading – You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.

Times Tables – You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform.

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.