A very busy week this week filled with lots of Christmas excitement!
On Tuesday we watched the performance of the ‘Bethlehem bake off’ performed by KS1 which was amazing to see.
Panthers class had a lovely Christmas lunch on Wednesday followed by a fantastic time at the local church for their ‘Experience Christmas’ where they enacted the Christmas story and completed different craft activities.
This week Panthers have had their last lesson with Saints and enjoyed playing competitive matches against one another- they showed great teamwork and sportsmanship.
There will be no spellings tested next week, but children will receive spellings on Monday to practice during the holidays. These will be tested in the new year!
Reminder- Homework grids are due next week Thursday. There have been some great ones handed in already.
Children should be reading 5 times a week. Reading records will be checked on Wednesdays.
Times tables:
Children should be practicing their times tables weekly on TT rockstars in preparation for their times table test on Friday afternoons.