What a fantastic week it has been in Lions this week and it was so lovely to have some many grandparents visiting our class to make Christmas decorations with the children. Children have been working really well with Saints this term and they have made super progress with their evasion tactics and also running with the ball. In Art, children started to practice painting in the style Monet – specifically a painting called ‘The water-lily pond’ and did a fabulous job!
PE – Lessons are planned for Thursday mornings and Friday afternoons this term but children will need their PE kit in school every day.
Reading – You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.
Times Tables – You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform.
You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.