Homework Year 1

Homework Year 2

This week in Maths, we have embarked on a journey into the world of addition and subtraction. The Year 1 students are discovering the part-part-whole model, which is helping them to understand how numbers can be partitioned. Meanwhile, Year 2 students are delving into number bonds and fact families as a foundation for grasping the concept of inverse operations.
In Geography this week, we have been using our knowledge of the local area to delve into aerial maps. An aerial photo captures an image from above, and we collaborated in teams to identify and label the visible features. We also integrated pictures from our local walk onto the aerial map, which led us to discover that the church spire is not visible from above and that the alleys and lanes appear significantly smaller in the aerial view than they do in real life.
Skateboarding and Scooters
On Thursday, we had the exciting opportunity to learn how to ride scooters and skateboards safely, with each class eagerly trying out new tricks and maneuvers while protected with helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads.