Another great week in Panthers.
In Geography, the children used compass points to describe the location of counties to each other.
In Science, the children investigated which objects created the best shadow. They tested different opaque, translucent and transparent materials and noticed that opaque objects created the best shadow as they block any light from passing through.
In Math’s this week, we finished the place value unit and will be starting to look at addition next week.
In Art, children created a design for their stained glass windows which they will be painting next week.
Next week: Book and biscuit Tuesday 8th October.
Spellings for this week:
(Tested on 11/10/24)
Group 1: autobiography, autograph, automobile, autopilot, automatic, autocue
Group 2: plant, children, should, behind, father
Group 3: said, was our, today, love
Children should be aiming to read 5 times a week. Reading records will be checked on Wednesdays.
Times tables:
Children should be practicing their times tables weekly on TT rockstars in preparation for their times table test on Friday afternoons.