Another super week in Panthers.
In Geography, children researched the physical features of Northamptonshire, learning about the river Nene, lakes and hills in the county.
In Math’s this week, we have mastered subtracting two numbers from each other using column subtraction. Have a go at some visual questions to support learning. Remember, if the top number is smaller than the bottom, it is not possible so…”go next door and get 10 more!”.
On Thursday, children took part in a skateboard taster session. They had a great time and learnt some cool tricks.
Next week: PE will be on Wednesday afternoon instead of Tuesday.
Children will be doing a Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling paper on Tuesday and Maths Paper 3 on Thursday.
Spellings for this week:
We are still focusing on words with the suffix -ly.
Rule 1 for adding ‘ly’- If the root word ends in a ‘y’, change the ‘y’ to an ‘i’ and add ‘ly’. e.g. happy=happily.
Rule 2 for adding ‘ly’- if a word ends in ‘ic’ you add ‘ally’. e.g. heroic=heroically.
(Tested on 25/10/24)
Group 1: happily, hastily, heavily, heroically, magically, merrily, nicely, physically, sleepily, sadly
Group 2: could, would, should, move, prove
Group 3: some, friend, push, you, one
Children should be reading 5 times a week. Reading records will be checked on Wednesdays.
Times tables:
Children should be practicing their times tables weekly on TT rockstars in preparation for their times table test on Friday afternoons.