Lions class have spent time this week completing their Roy Lichtenstein inspired paintings and they look great! They documented their learning this term in Science by creating a poster to show all the different things they know. Lions have started rehearsing their new model texts in Writing – in Y6 they are learning to write a non-chronological report and in Y5 they are learning about ‘finding tales’. In dance, they linked together their group performances to create a complete class dance and I know they are excited to perform this to everyone after half term.
PE – Lessons are planned for Thursday mornings and Friday afternoons this term but children will need their PE kit in school every day.
Reading – You should aim to read 5 times a week at home, these reads should be logged in your reading record and brought to school every day.
Times Tables – You should practice these through the week in preparation for a check on Fridays (You will be able to use TT Rockstars online platform.
You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on a Friday and Reading Records will be checked on Mondays.