
Community Primary School

After School Club

Our After School Club runs from 3.30pm to 5.30pm Monday to Thursday.

Come and join the fun!

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Jaguars – Week 5 11/10/24

11 October 2024

Another great week in Jaguars this week!

This week started with an Assembly from Miss Pettit about Black History Month. During the assembly she discussed the importance of men and women who had achieved great things.


This week the children have focused on adding 1s across 10 for 3 digit numbers. This is going to continue to be a focus into next week as we still need to secure our knowledge of this. The children have been using visual resources of number lines to complete these lessons. If you would like to recall your number bonds to 100 speedily then please use the below button with your children. 












This week the children have been cold writing an instructions text. Mrs Clarke created a hook of making toast with butter, jam and marmite – this was completed infront of the children so that they could see each step she was taking. Afterwards they were then asked to write down step by step how she made it. They were so disgusted when she ate it afterwards 🙂 If you would like to practice the model text at home please see the image below.

World Mental Health Day

On Thursday this week we celebrated World Mental Health Day. The children across the school completed activities surrounding this. In Jaguars we looked at how feelings affect our bodies in different ways. The children then drew in an outline of a person. 


This week we had a special visitor. ‘VIKING LILY’ who told us all about her viking knowledge. She was hot seated by the children and they fired questions at her to gain more information and knowledge. The children were very excited by this although they weren’t convinced she was a real Viking!


Homework and Spellings

Group 0

were, who, their

Group 1

great, caught, people, whole

Group 2A

putting, clapping, drumming, grabbing, knotting

Group 3

adventure, departure, furniture, picture, nature
