"I love coming to this school because students and staff are so friendly"
"I like coming to this school because I'm challenged in my learning"
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Jaguars Blogs
Key information
- PE days are Wednesday (with Mrs Clarke) and Friday (with GLK) – please ensure your child brings their PE kit in at the beginning of each week.
- Homework and Spellings are to be completed every week. Homework should be handed back in to the class teacher by Friday. Your child will be issued new Homework and Spellings each Friday. Spelling tests will be carried out on Friday mornings.
- Ensure you use TTRockstars on a daily basis, 5-10 minutes a day is the best way to increase fluency.
- Home Learning Grids will be sent home termly which also need to be completed and bought in before the end of a long term so that the children can show and tell their pieces of work to the class.
- Tuck shop is available from the hall and run Tuesday-Friday at breaktimes only. Please make sure you provide your child with the correct change if they would like to purchase something from the tuck shop trolley.
- Reading logs – Now that your child is in Year 3 they are encouraged to write in their own reading log including: date, title of the book they read, page number and a short comment about what they have read so far. This will be checked weekly so please ensure that comments have been made. If your child is struggling to comment themselves then please do comment as an adult yourself. Comments or updates will also be provided by the class teacher when necessary.
Jaguars – Week 5 11/10/24
Another great week in Jaguars this week! This week started with an Assembly from Miss Pettit about...
Jaguars – Week 4 4/10/24
Welcome to the new class blog!! Jaguars have had another great week of learning. Monday's...
Jaguars – Week 3 27/09/24
Welcome to the new class blog!! Jaguars have had another great week of learning. On Thursday we...
Jaguars Week 2 20/09/24
I can't quite believe how fast time flies and how soon it comes to debriefing on our week once...
Jaguars Week 1 13/09/24
Happy first full week back at school! What a fantastic time we've had! Thank you to those who...
Jaguars Autumn 1
First couple of days back - 6.9.24 Welcome back! I hope you had a restful and fun summer holidays...