It had been a busy week in Panthers class!
On Tuesday, Children discussed why we should ‘Choose Respect’ as part of Anti-bullying week. Some children also wore odd socks to show it is okay to be different and stand up against bullying.

In Maths, we have started the unit Multiplication and division, focusing specifically on the 3 and 6 times tables this week.
In Science, we started our new unit ‘Sound’ where children enjoyed listening for sounds in the classroom as well as on the playground.
We have been very busy practicing for our class assembly which will be Tuesday the 19th. I look forward for you all to see the hard work that the children have put into preparing it.
Because of this, no PE on Tuesday. We will still have our session with Saints on Thursday and GLK Friday.
Spellings for this week:
(Tested on 22/11/24)
Group 1: address, appear, arrive, bicycle, different, difficult, decide, forwards, century, experience
Group 2: arrive, appear, address, decide, length
Group 3: steak, break, great, grass, pass
Children should be reading 5 times a week. Reading records will be checked on Wednesdays.
Times tables:
Children should be practicing their times tables weekly on TT rockstars in preparation for their times table test on Friday afternoons.
Children have been given their Autumn Term homework grids which will be due on the 19th of December. The grid is based on our Geography and History units (Counties and Stone age to Iron age). The children will need to choose a minimum of 3 activities from the grid below.